Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Me - The Swing Voter

OVERFLOATER just read a conservative op-ed piece knocking Rudy Giuliani and his approach at compromising over divisive issues, namely abortion.

Giuliani was quoted at a Houston fundraiser saying, "If we don't find a way of uniting around broad principles that will appeal to a large segment of this country...we are going to lose this election." He sounds like a New Yorker. New Yorkers have long been faced with hordes of immigrants, long has experience dealing with poverty, crime while also establishing the extent of culture, art, science in the Free World. New York is an international hub, the financial capital of the world. Giuliani has experience running the greatest show on Earth, and some say he will go down as one of New York's greatest mayors. He has taken on some monumental challenges in his political career, including near-miracles of cleaning up NYC crime and taking down the Mob. He put John Gotti in prison.

I will never , ever forget watching the September 11th attacks live on television with my grandmother in her New Jersey home. Giuliani was caught on camera numerous times demonstrating on-the-street leadership. Running towards the burning towers, establishing command on the scene, afraid yet unafraid.

I hate the Republican Party religous platform. But I would seriously consider voting for that guy. Giuliani broadens the appeal of the Republicans, blending economic conservatism with social progression. His pro-choice stance is being raged upon by the Grand Old Party's extremists (who are no less dangerous or grandiose than our current Islamic extremist antagonists) who want to view everything through the Bible.

We all agree the Ten Commandments are good themes to live by. But are these people are blind when they call for war, but then rail on abortion? Support the death penalty but oppose abortion by rationalizing an unlived life MIGHT have been better than a current criminal one?

Giuliani also supports gay rights and stronger gun control. He is definitely keen on important environmental laws and is intimately aware of the colliding interests of big business and Mother Nature.

I think gay rights is kind of a good thing. It will help overall social health. I think that gay people are born that way regardless of environment. Research suggests brain wiring. Let them work and pay taxes and pull the social yoke like the rest of us.

And fuck yeah to stronger gun control.

And I think the greatest pull Giuliani would have on me, the independent, unaffiliated voter -
The War On Terror.

I would not want to be a terrorist with Rudy Giuliani in office. What that guy would do with four branches of armed forces. I think working with the New York City Police Department was a good runner-up type of experience for him. It is rife with politics and corruption.

Granted, he will go a little on the police state side, but I think if you are not plotting to destroy this country than you flat out have nothing to worry about. I don't see stepped up security as a problem for me.

And the conservative wing of the Republicans are going to screw it up for him. If they go with a candidate more friendly with the right wing, then I think that the Republicans will lose to Hillary.

I think that the Republican-elected Giuliani would eventually work with the Democrat-controlled House and Senate. probably there would be a year of deadlock while they are working things out, but I think Giuliani has that maverick streak, hopefully (and I mean hopefully) he won't cowtow to big business.

I don't see any real way out of this Iraq business, but I'd be willing to give Rudy a shot just as much as anyone. Plus, an Italian President! 50% of me is rooting for him right there.

We are still a long, long way away. And I am sure the campaigns are going to be brutal. But I never thought I would consider voting for a Republican.

Giuliani might swing me.