Saturday, February 17, 2007

in Denver walks a giant Russian doing security
by the name of Leo, his legend brews curiosity
as I hear accounts of him beating up Crips
and every time they come back with running lips
till they one day sent their Ajax, largest brute
fresh out the pen with the attitude to boot
that was until Leo literally smashed his face
with one punch, homey tragically learned his place
Crip took three steps back dead on his feet
nosebone into the brain he fell to the concrete
blood began to pour from his bashed head
as if a sledgehammer were wielded instead
but Big Leo's meathook was still cocked
and Crip's buddies were well beyond shocked
cause he was laying dead right in front of them
not a quiver traveled down his brain stem
one second full of fight, the next dead meat
one second a raging bull, the next just a heap
and ever since then Leo has been eating Crips
like his breakfast Wheaties, a bag of chips
all over town the little ganglords fear the Russian
big-talk steers turn to tailtucked fleeing mutton

get 'em all Leo for the late Darrent Williams

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

musuings on finding yourself in travel

In the green, in the green
give me my morning steam
We wit tha no work
just find that morning perk
instead of coffee bean drain
we'll sit amid the spacers plain
as this nose on my face
as not really knowing my place
in this keep-turning world
nostalgic memories unfurled
and down the carpet I strode
and these firing electrodes
of memory find me sweetly
when I reflect on them deeply

So anticipating my travel
every street will unravel
new stories, faces and imagined
loves that should've happened

From the beginning place I've come
and to an uncertainly outcome
be it craggy Colorado peak
or traffic-filled NJ street
be it a yet unseen foreign country
I just want it filled with pleasantry

And that, of course, is up to me
I decide to have it to be

Monday, February 5, 2007


History is passing
Memorable lifetimes are walking by
from Presidents
to transients
With nowhere to go
or be
just a life burns on
without question

Hearts are breaking
Minds are composing
Hands orchestrate
Tongues gesticulate
in a deep kiss somewhere, in public
blooming for passer-bye's

Meaningful blows are being delivered
Explosions are dismembering
Heartbreaks are resounding
like a howitzer
blasting love/hate

Someone is snapping
Someone is jumping
Someone is birthing

And I'm here
thinking in an infinitesimal corner
on a planet
in an orbit


Soulful investigation
